Here are the term dates for the Autumn Term 2013:
Slipstream Monday
Term dates: 16th September-16th December 2013. Half term: 28th October
Fees: £91.00
OYD Saturday
Term dates: 21st September-14th December 2013. Half term: 26th Oct & 2nd Nov
Class One: £60.50 per family
Class Two: £55.00
Class Three: £60.50
The Uthers: £66.00
Payment by BACS to Natwest,
Sort Code: 60-10-28, Acc No: 86536176, Acc Name: Oxford Youth Dance
pay for classes at the beginning of term. If you know that your child is not
coming back to dance next term, please inform us so that the place isn’t held and
another child can join. There is a concession rate of £1 per child off each
class fee available for families receiving benefit.
Cheques payable to ‘Oxford Youth Dance’, except for OYDCo when payable to ‘Oxford Youth Dance Company’.
Policy: If a class is cancelled due to unexpected illness on the part of the
tutor or the space not being available then fees are still charged as it is due
to circumstances beyond our control. If, however, classes are cancelled for any
other reason then the amount will be credited to you.